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Planned Parenthood Asks Obama for Billions

  • Blog

Since Obama said he would deliver the moon, his devoted followers are not shy about asking him for a slice of the cheese.

Planned Parenthood and its abortion cronies submitted a “secret” memo, published on the Obama transition website, asking for $4.6 billion to promote abortion and other activities. That would be per year.

Some of the goodies requested:

  • $120 million for taxpayer-funded abortions, including $65 million for UNFPA which is involved in China’s forced abortion program
  • $300-700 million increase in Title X family planning programs
  • $540 million increase in Medicaid-funded family planning services
  • Hundreds of millions more to promote PP’s programs which wind up being conduits to its own abortion clinics.

You and I will be forced to pay for these programs which are spinning out of control. And, PP will get richer and richer with more human lives sacrificed for this horrendous agenda.

Barbara Lyons

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