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Obama Invite by Notre Dame a Scandal

  • Blog

America is outraged — particularly Catholic America. Notre Dame has invited President Obama to give the May commencement address and receive an honorary degree.

Thus, the most notoriously pro-abortion President in history will be honored by the Catholic institution of Notre Dame.

Here is the response by ND President Fr. John Jenkins to date: “The invitation of President Obama to be our Commencement speaker should in no way be taken as condoning or endorsing his positions on specific issues regarding the protection of life, such as abortion and embryonic stem cell research.”

I am sending an email to Fr. Jenkins asking if Notre Dame would welcome an avowed racist who favors slavery to give the commencement address.

If Jenkins had invited such a speaker would his response be: “Our invitation to speaker X should in no way be taken as condoning slavery or racism, even though the speaker ardently supports them.” It is laughable.

Wisconsin Right to Life is urging people to contact Fr. Jenkins by phone at 574-631-5000 or via email at Please add your voice to those clamoring in protest over this scandal.

Barbara Lyons

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