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Our Fervently Pro-Life Friend – Representative and Future Vice President Paul Ryan

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When Paul Ryan first ran for Congress in 1998, he was a very young 28 — boyish and eager. He came to a Wisconsin Right to Life interview with his clean-cut button-down shirt and fresh approach to public life. WRTL-PAC endorsed him for his fervent and sincere right-to-life convictions, but thought him perhaps too young to succeed. But succeed he did and Ryan has been over-achieving ever since.

Who is Paul Ryan? Fiercely pro-life, amiable, tons of character, principled, honest, charismatic, man of integrity, fantastic communicator, devoted husband and father. This is the man we met in 1998 and he has not changed, just grown in stature and maturity. People know Paul Ryan and like him. All of these qualities have allowed him to continue to be re-elected with over 60% of the vote in a district that is, at best, a “swing district” but mostly Democratic.

A few years ago, at an event in Ryan’s district where he was the featured speaker, the room was filled with Democratic politicians and sympathizers. Ryan worked the room, talking to everyone in his charming, friendly way. In his public remarks, Ryan took a few humorous jabs at the Democrat pols in attendance, and even they laughed.

And smart. Ryan is really smart. We didn’t know what a terrific policy wonk he was until he released his Road Map to the Future about four years ago. It has been fascinating to watch our friend tackle the most complex fiscal issues facing our country, and describe solutions in a manner which the average person can understand. When Ryan says the country is facing a dangerous fiscal future, he is incredibly believable due to his comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of the federal budget.

Perhaps the most defining moment in Ryan’s rise to stardom was his face-down with President Obama on ObamaCare. There is no question who won that encounter, for Obama was no match for Ryan’s facts and ability to articulate them. It is no wonder that everyone is salivating over a debate between Ryan and pro-abortion Vice President Joe Biden, for we already know who will win.

The right-to-life Romney/Ryan ticket is now complete, and once again, Wisconsin is at the center of the political universe. We are extremely proud of our pro-life Governor, Scott Walker, who has changed the direction of the country through his leadership at the state level. We are doubly blessed to have Paul Ryan who will help lead the country on a needed corrective course. The biggest blessing of all is that these two individuals of unblemished character are among the strongest advocates for life in the country.

May God bless Governor Mitt Romney for choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate. May God continue to bless Paul Ryan. And may God bless the United States of American under courage and leadership of the Romney/Ryan comeback team.

Barbara Lyons and Sue Armacost

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