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HHS Mandate Tightens Grip on Churches, Employers

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As time marches on, our country is no closer to resolving the horrendous HHS mandate which threatens religious liberty as never before. To review, a year ago, the Obama administration announced its mandate which would force churches and employers to provide sterilizations and FDA-approved drugs and devices which include contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs, even if it violates the conscience of the church or employer. The authority for the mandate is a provision in the ObamaCare law which gives the Secretary of the Department of HHS broad authority to decide what constitutes “preventive” services which must be funded.

The choices for churches and employers under this unprecedented mandate are ominous and unacceptable:

  • Violate the conscience of the Church or employer by complying with the mandate, knowing full well that further mandates such as coverage for surgical abortions are likely in the future.
  • Stop providing health insurance for employees.
  • For churches, provide services and religiously-based education to denomination members only.
  • Close the doors of all religious hospitals, service organizations and universities that serve people of other denominations.
  • Defy the federal government and face severe monetary penalties of $100 per day per employee and other penalties.

The only means to rid the country of this mandate is for the President to reverse the mandate, for Congress to act to reverse the mandate, or for the courts to overturn the mandate. President Obama is adamant that the mandate will stay. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, chair of the U.S. Catholic bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, has urged Congress to take action which everyone knows that President Obama will veto. Numbers of court cases challenging the mandate have been filed which will take years of litigation. Ominous, indeed, and a frightening time for our country.

Barbara Lyons

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